2 days ago,
We woke up at 5 IN THE MORNING.
We packed our suitcases, had breakfast really fast, grabbed our suitcases, walked all the way to the ferry station and it turns out the ferry was at the car ferry station so we ran there and just made it in time.
When we got off the ferry we were in Varenna and we ran to the train station and sat there waiting for our train. The train came and we got on, I sat down and watched movies on my Samsung tablet. Finally we arrive in Milan and had lunch (second time I have been in Milan).We get on the next train to Venice.
When the train arrived we made our way down to the water bus station and went near the place we are staying. 0n the way there I saw an amazing artist who sketched portraits of people and couples. When we got our keys we head down to our apartment and got unpack and choose who’s sleeping where. I got the comfiest bed.
We went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant. I got ravioli, my favourite meal. For dessert they kept giving us presents like a packet of pasta dessert but they didn’t really give an option they just kept bringing food to top on the bill which was really weird. After dinner I walked back to my hotel and fell fast to sleep = zzzZZZ.
I woke up got ready and walked out of the door with my family. We walked around town then went on a gondola.

(on the gondola in the canal)
We went all around Venice it had a beautiful view of everything. Did you know that Venice was slowly sinking and most of the old houses had doors that were half way underneath the water and most of the water near the houses are filled with sewerage but it’s still clear like the Mediterranean? Well guess what now you do.
After the gondola ride we caught a boat bus to the glass works factory we weren’t aloud to take photos or videos but we saw a man who made a flower vase and it was white with a wavy top and the temperature he made the vase in was 1200 degrees celsius. I could not survive that (impossible for a human to survive that temperature). Then went into the souvenir shop and I bought a necklace and earrings that were crystal bluish transparent. I saw a Chinese dragon thing made out of glass it was red and yellow/gold it was awesome. I also saw a black glass Pegasus with gold wings and red eyes (I always knew unicorns/Pegasus’s were evil) anyway after that we got some lunch and I got French fries and a salad (it was delicious).
We caught a water bus back to the apartment and relaxed. I did some of my exhibition work and then started writing my blog but Luke came in and said “we are going to the lolly shop Chloe come on hurry up we’ve got to go now” I grab my shoes and put my shoes on and make my way down the hallway and walk down the stairs with my family thinking “what lolly shop”.
We couldn’t find the lolly shop, Venice is like a maze that like never ends, anyway because we couldn’t find the lolly shop we had fresh gelato I got straccitella and limone it was delicious. Straccitella is basically cookies and cream and limone is just Italian for lemon.
After that we went home and had dinner we had dessert first “YES” I found this quote online saying “life is short have dessert first”…….. I went to bed. Today was a good last day in Venice I really enjoyed it in Venice, though I am looking forward to going to Florence because of cooking lessons and the soccer game.
1. I woke up( again to early for me )
2. Packed my bags
3. Got ready
4. Had breakfast
5. Walked out the door
We walked to the water bus boat and went to the train station we waited for an hour and a half for the train, finally arrived and we jumped on and I started finishing of my blog and now I am finished writing on my blog.
Chloe that was so informative. It is great to be able to follow your travels and adventures and the photos are super. Love you xx
Nice travel story 🙂 keep posting XXX
Wow Chloe, so action packed! Sounds like you’re having so much fun and getting to learn a lot from what you’re experiencing. Miss you heaps! Can’t wait to read your next update. Love you lots.
I’m feeling very hungry for gelato now, but I don’t think Canberra gelato compares with Italian stuff. Thanks!! I can’t wait to read about your time in Firenze.